The process of integration into the European Union, which has been stagnant for a decade now, has exposed the sad reality of a total lack of political will on the part of Europe. An analysis of the current crisis in Bosnia Herzegovina
La Bosnia Erzegovina deve tornare ad essere una priorità per l'Europa: serve un nuovo Piano Marshall per portarla sulla strada dell'Unione Europea. L'appello di Wolfgang Petritsch, ex Alto Rappresentante a Sarajevo
Un successo della diplomazia europea e l'unica scelta pragmatica che Belgrado e Pristina potevano fare. E ora? Serve dar spazio a relazioni e cooperazioni transfrontaliere, dinamiche, multilivello. Non solo tra Kosovo e Serbia, ma in tutta Europa, per rilanciare un progetto sull'orlo del baratro
The umpteenth crisis fifteen years after Dayton. Nationalisms are destabilizing the State, while the International community seems powerless and confused. Bosnia is seeking its way into the EU amongst many difficulties and wounds that are still open. A comment
A proposal for a new partnership between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union. Among its key features, a change of the consitutional structure, an effort to put an end to international dependence, and the development of a process of cooperation in the Western Balkans